Convenient Storage Floor Tripod with Leveler Outdoor Photography Live Selfie Stands JM-TR001


كمية تخفيض (%) سعر
1 - 24 $8.20
25 - 300 48.78 % $4.20
301+ 56.1 % $3.60
(1 رأي العميل)

Convenient Storage Floor Tripod with Leveler Outdoor Photography Live Selfie Stands JM-TR001


مادة: aluminum alloy

Expanded height: 102سم
Shrinking height: 37سم
Low working height: 35سم
Tube Diameter: 16.8مم

Net weight: 420G
لون: أسود


1. Compact, light and sturdy, يسهل حملها, folded height is only 35cm.

2.Three-dimensional head, the connector thread for the international common M1/4both for traditional cameras, digital cameras and small video camera use.

3. Suitable for home digital cameras, سهل تنفيذه, home selfies, trips to take pictures can be shot at will.

4. Delivered with a carrying bag, it is more convenient to carry it outside.








1 مراجعة ل Convenient Storage Floor Tripod with Leveler Outdoor Photography Live Selfie Stands JM-TR001

  1. الصورة الرمزية ل Yamile Neilt

    Yamile Neilt

    This floor standing tripod is very practical, easy to store and lightweight to carry. With a leveling adjuster to ensure image stabilization when shooting, especially suitable for outdoor photography and selfies. The sturdy and durable design makes the bracket stable and reliable, which greatly improves the shooting experience and is highly recommended!

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