【 Air circulation fan 】Best USB small fan rechargeable desktop student home office turbine convection circulation JM-BF031

범주 꼬리표

【 Air circulation fan 】 USB small fan rechargeable desktop student home office turbine convection circulation JM-BF031


팬 블레이드 수: 3 조각들
Function: Wall mounted multi gear adjustment
Fan type: USB fan
Power mode: USB
Whether to transfer the page fan: 예
그림 물감: 하얀색, gray, 보라, 녹색
Fan blade diameter: 165 * 213 * 180mm


Strong air supply, circulating throughout the entire house
New national standard charging, Type-C
3 levels of wind sleep/natural energy
Multi functional, versatile desktop wall mounted
긴 지구력, large capacity lithium battery
Maternal and infant safety, low radiation devices
High speed movement, large inclination spiral fan blades
Lower noise, no disturbance
Low energy consumption, more energy-efficient

Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan
Air circulation fan

Air circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureAir circulation fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture

Welcome to our company’s electric fan detail page, our fans rechargeable are among the ranks of high-performance appliances with powerful wind power and compact design,벤치 팬과 같은,mini hand fan,바닥 팬,목 팬을 걸어보세요. 결과는 신선합니다., 강한 바람과 컴팩트한 외관으로 쾌적한 팬 경험 제공.

주요 특징들:
1、강한 바람: 첨단 팬 설계와 고효율 모터로 강력하고 지속적인 풍력을 보장합니다., 공간 전체가 신선한 공기를 빠르게 느낄 수 있도록.
2、컴팩트한 디자인: 장치의 외관이 작고 설치 공간도 매우 작습니다., 다양한 환경에서 사용하기에 적합하도록 만들어졌습니다., 특히 공간이 제한된 장소에서는, 사무실과 같은, 작은 침실, 등.
3、다중 속도 바람: 다양한 계절과 개인의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 다중 속도 조정 기능을 갖추고 있습니다., 추운 계절에는 강한 냉각풍과 부드러운 순환풍을 모두 제공할 수 있습니다..
4、조용한 작동: Silent 기술은 작업을 방해하지 않고 조용한 작동을 보장합니다., 쉬거나 자거나, 쾌적한 풍력을 제공하면서.

적용 가능한 시나리오:
·집 공간: 거실에 상쾌한 환경을 제공하세요, 침실 및 기타 집 공간.
·직장: 멋진 만들기, 책상 위의 조용한 작업 환경.

Our Air circulation fans combine efficient air power with a compact design to create a fresh, 생활하고 일하기에 쾌적한 환경. 더운 여름날이든 한가로운 오후이든, 신선하게 즐길 수 있어요, 언제든지 시원한 바람. Choose best table fan and choose efficient cooling to make your life more comfortable.


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