Cute Rabbit Handheld Fan USB Charging Three Speed Wind Desktop Silent Fan HF018


수량 할인 (%) 가격
1 - 24 $3.20
25 - 300 46.88 % $1.70
301+ 56.25 % $1.40
(1 고객 리뷰)

Cute Rabbit Handheld Fan USB Charging Three Speed Wind Desktop Silent Fan HF018


그림 물감: 파란색, Apricot, 분홍색

팬 분류: handheld fan
팬 블레이드 소재: 플라스틱
제품 소재: plastic/electronic components
모터 유형: 브러시 모터
쉘 프로세스: Spray coating (UV paint, rubber paint, metal paint, piano baking paint, pearl powder)
소음: 60-70데시벨 (포함한)
팬 블레이드 수: 5 조각들
풍속 기어: 3rd gear
Power mode: USB
Built in battery: 리튬 배터리
배터리 용량: 400mAh
충전 시간: 1-3 시간
Battery life: 1-3 시간 (포함한)
제품 크기: 17 * 8.5 * 4.3센티미터
작동 모드: 일반 버튼

이중 용도 휴대용 데스크탑

Three speed regulation: soft wind in first gear, natural wind in second gear, and strong wind in third gear

Large angle air supply

가볍고 휴대 가능

USB 충전

Quiet and comfortable

Handheld Fan

Handheld Fan

Handheld Fan

Handheld Fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture




파란색, Khaki, 분홍색

1 검토하다 Cute Rabbit Handheld Fan USB Charging Three Speed Wind Desktop Silent Fan HF018

  1. 아바타 Charlotte Spencer

    Charlotte Spencer

    This rabbit shaped handheld fan has excellent quality. It is compact, 휴대하기 쉬운, and has moderate wind power, bringing me comfortable coolness. In addition, that rabbit shape is even more irresistible to me, it’s really a summer sweetheart!

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