Deer Portable Hand Fan Silent LED Mini Desktop Fan HF031


수량 할인 (%) 가격
1 - 24 $3.10
25 - 300 48.39 % $1.60
301+ 54.84 % $1.40
(1 고객 리뷰)

Deer Portable Hand Fan Silent LED Mini Desktop Fan HF031


그림 물감: 녹색, 보라, 하얀색, yellow
팬 분류: Portable hand fan
팬 블레이드 소재: 플라스틱
쉘 프로세스: ABS
Additional function: Night light
모터 유형: Brushless motor

소음: 36dB 이하 (포함한)
Is there a built-in battery: the battery can be disassembled and replaced
내장 배터리 용량: 100mAh~300mAh (포함한)
배터리 유형: 납산 배터리
팬 블레이드 수: 4 조각들
풍속 기어: 2nd gear

Input voltage: 5V
충전 시간: 2-4 시간
Battery life: 1-3 시간
작동 모드: 일반 버튼
제품의 순중량: 220g
Appearance size: 140 * 65 * 35MM

Product functions: USB charging for continuous battery life, more healing Morandi color contrast, dreamy lighting of night lights, two speed regulation to simulate natural wind, mini portable for worry free outdoor use, minimalist switch for more user-friendly operation.

Portable Hand Fan

Portable Hand Fan

Portable Hand Fan

Portable Hand Fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture

Portable Hand Fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture

Portable Hand Fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture

Portable Hand Fan 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture




녹색, 분홍색, 하얀색, Yellow

1 검토하다 Deer Portable Hand Fan Silent LED Mini Desktop Fan HF031

  1. 아바타 James Henderson

    James Henderson

    The shape of the deer is very popular, with beautiful colors and guaranteed quality. It is highly recommended.

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