번개 유형-C 고속 충전 케이블 JM-DC083에 적합한 액체 실리콘 알루미늄 쉘 유연한 케이블 데이터 케이블


(2 고객 리뷰)

번개 유형-C 고속 충전 케이블 JM-DC083에 적합한 액체 실리콘 알루미늄 쉘 유연한 케이블 데이터 케이블


USB/번개 현재의: 2ㅏ
USB/Tpye-c 현재의: 2.1ㅏ
줄 길이: 1중
와이어 직경: 5.0mm
코어 수: 4
분기 조인트 수: 단일 헤드
재료: Silicone
특징: 고속 충전, 데이터 전송
상호 작용: 번개, TYPE-C
색상: black/red/purple/white mixed color

Cable Data Cable: Liquid silicone, 온도 조절, 꼬이지 않는, 80% 속도 증가, Full coppercore, Flexible material.

Liquid soft adhesive skin friendly wire, the soft adhesive wire has high-quality materials for insulation, flame retardancy, and antifreeze, and maintains material stability even in harsh working temperatures of -60 ° C to 350 ° C.
Moisturizing and environmentally friendly materials, more resistant to dirt, dirt, stains, and fingerprints.
Fast charging metal interface, widened copper plate, increased transmission area, larger load-bearing area, faster and more stable charging transmission efficiency.
Bold wire diameter 5.0mm, made of high-quality copper core and genuine material.
Enhanced protection of the interface, perfectly compatible with the phone interface, ensuring stable and continuous charging.

Cable Data Cable

Cable Data Cable

Cable Data Cable 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture

Cable Data Cable 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture



검은색, 빨간색, 보라, 하얀색




USB/번개 (색상 무작위), USB/Tpye-c (색상 무작위)

2 에 대한 리뷰 번개 유형-C 고속 충전 케이블 JM-DC083에 적합한 액체 실리콘 알루미늄 쉘 유연한 케이블 데이터 케이블

  1. 아바타 Gabriel Watson

    Gabriel Watson

    The design of the data cable is very fashionable, it won’t get hot when charging, it charges quickly, and the quality is very good. I like it.

  2. 아바타 Charlotte Turner

    Charlotte Turner

    Unique design, environmentally friendly material, very safe, not easy to break. After using it for a period of time, it provides excellent value for money, fast charging speed, and can be used for at least two years. It’s a pleasant shopping experience.

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