USB/Type-C 0.5M 1.2M 2M 3M 충전 및 변속기 2-in-1 USB C 데이터 케이블 JM-DC102


(1 고객 리뷰)

USB/Type-C 0.5M 1.2M 2M 3M 충전 및 변속기 2-in-1 USB C 데이터 케이블 JM-DC102


줄 길이: 0.5중, 1.2중, 2중, 3중

재료: TPE
43/0.08 * 2+16/0.08 * 2 (tinned copper)
Function: Charging&Date transfer
0.5중, 1.2M Current: 2ㅏ (최대)
2M Current: 1.1ㅏ (최대)
3M Current: 800mA (최대)
색상: 하얀색

USB C Data Cable:USB/타입-c

Hollow pressure reducing mesh tail, the mesh tail is made of TPE material, which is sturdy, 튼튼한, and anti fracture.

Bold core charging acceleration, high-quality thick copper core, low resistance, faster current transmission.

Bottom line, thickened copper core, aluminum foil layer, woven mesh ratio layer, TPE outer protective layer.

Durable, flexible, and resistant to bending, effectively resisting daily wear and tear.


USB C Data Cable

USB C Data Cable

USB C Data Cable 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture



0.5중, 1.2중, 2중, 3중




USB/Tpye-c (색상 무작위)

1 검토하다 USB/Type-C 0.5M 1.2M 2M 3M 충전 및 변속기 2-in-1 USB C 데이터 케이블 JM-DC102

  1. 아바타 Emily Brown

    Emily Brown

    The type-c interface is very suitable, with fast charging and data transmission speeds, and a good experience. I like the 1.2M length, which is convenient and accessible.

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