iPhone JM-DC102에 적합한 USB/번개 1.2M 2M 3M 모바일 데이터 케이블


(1 고객 리뷰)

iPhone JM-DC102에 적합한 USB/번개 1.2M 2M 3M 모바일 데이터 케이블


USB/Lightning Data Cables
줄 길이: 1.2중, 2중, 3중

Applicable interface: 번개
재료: TPE
43/0.08 * 2+16/0.08 * 2 (tinned copper)
Function: Charging&Date transfer
1.2M Current: 2ㅏ (최대)
2M Current: 1.1ㅏ (최대)
3M Current: 800mA (최대)
색상: 하얀색
분기 조인트 수: 단일 헤드

Protect the battery, stabilize the current, maintain battery life, and prevent overcharging from damaging the device.

TPE wire is flexible and non breaking, with high elasticity and environmental protection. It can be used continuously for a long time.

Charging and data transmission are carried out simultaneously without mutual interference, ensuring fast transmission.


Data Cables

Data Cables

Data Cables

Data Cables 3C Electronic Consumer Products Manufacture


1.2중, 2중, 3중




USB/번개 (색상 무작위)

1 검토하다 iPhone JM-DC102에 적합한 USB/번개 1.2M 2M 3M 모바일 데이터 케이블

  1. 아바타 Donna Green

    Donna Green

    This charging cable is compatible with my iPhone 13 and has the same effect as the original one. The design has a sense of design and looks good.

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