USB/Micro 1M 2M 3M Bending Resistant Mobile Phone Charging Data Cables Suitable for Micro JM-DC097


(1 고객 리뷰)

USB/Micro 1M 2M 3M Bending Resistant Mobile Phone Charging Data Cables Suitable for Micro JM-DC097


USB/Micro Data Cables
줄 길이: 1중, 2중, 3중
상호 작용: Micro
재료: PVC
와이어 직경: 3.8mm
40/0.08BC 25 * 2C+10/0.0.8BC * 2 Copper
1M 전류: 1.8ㅏ (최대)
2M 전류: 1ㅏ (최대)
3M 전류: 700mA (최대)
분기 조인트 수: 단일 헤드
색상: 하얀색

Using soft PVC adhesive material, lengthening and reinforcing the end joint, not afraid of bending, better protecting the wire core and preventing electric shock.

Enhanced interface protection, rejecting contact with poor ladder sockets for better compatibility with mobile phones.

Select aluminum alloy plugs, with high hardness, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance.

Anti entanglement, not easy to knot, easy to organize.


Data Cables 3C Electronic Consumer Products ManufactureData Cables

Data Cables



1중, 2중, 3중



1 검토하다 USB/Micro 1M 2M 3M Bending Resistant Mobile Phone Charging Data Cables Suitable for Micro JM-DC097

  1. 아바타 Emma Johnson

    Emma Johnson

    This is a bending resistant phone charging data cable suitable for Micro interfaces. After use, it is easy to handle both charging and data transmission. It is a practical and efficient product that is worth recommending.

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