USB/MICRO 1M 2M 3M 데이터 마이크로 전화에 적합한 USB 케이블 JM-DC098


(1 고객 리뷰)

USB/MICRO 1M 2M 3M 데이터 마이크로 전화에 적합한 USB 케이블 JM-DC098


USB/Micro Data USB Cable
줄 길이: 1중, 2중, 3중

재료: PVC
와이어 직경: 3.5mm
40/0.08BC 25 * 2C+10/0.0.8BC * 2 Copper
1M 전류: 1.8ㅏ (최대)
2M 전류: 1ㅏ (최대)
3M 전류: 700mA (최대)

1중 색상: 하얀색

2M 3M 색상: black and white mixed color

Nickel plated alloy joint: fast heat dissipation without overheating, more stable charging and transmission, has undergone 24-hour oxidation test, does not rust, and is more durable.

Charging transmission in two, without interfering with each other.

Durable to bending and bending: With a long and reinforced fishtail design, it has high strength and can sway without cracking or opening the adhesive.

Tin plated iron wire core: reduces resistance and effectively improves charging speed.


Data USB Cable

Data USB Cable

Data USB Cable


1중, 2중, 3중


USB/Micro (1중), USB/Micro (2중), USB/Micro (3중)


검은색, 하얀색

1 검토하다 USB/MICRO 1M 2M 3M 데이터 마이크로 전화에 적합한 USB 케이블 JM-DC098

  1. 아바타 Michael Williams

    Michael Williams

    The Micro interface is well adapted to mobile phones and will not be damaged even when bent, making it highly durable.

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