USB/Type-c 1M 2M 3M 아연 합금 데이터 케이블 고속 충전 케이블 JM-DC100


(1 고객 리뷰)

USB/Type-c 1M 2M 3M 아연 합금 데이터 케이블 고속 충전 케이블 JM-DC100


USB/Type-c Data Cable
줄 길이: 1중, 2중, 3중

재료: TPE+Zinc alloy (head)
와이어 직경: 4.2mm
65/0.08 * 2C+10/0.08 * 2C pure copper
1M current: 3ㅏ (max)
2M current: 1.7ㅏ (max)
3M current: 1.1ㅏ (max)
1M 3M color: 하얀색
2M color: black and white mixed color
분기 조인트 수: 단일 헤드
상호 작용: 유형 c

4.2mm ultra thick thread diameter, strong toughness and tensile strength, high elasticity thread body constantly pulled.

Rechargeable, data cable transmission, stable fast charging synchronization without affecting each other.

Fast charging does not harm the device and is compatible with fast charging.


Data Cable

Data Cable

Data Cable



1중, 2중, 3중




USB/Tpye-c (1중), USB/Tpye-c (2중), USB/Tpye-c (3중)

1 검토하다 USB/Type-c 1M 2M 3M 아연 합금 데이터 케이블 고속 충전 케이블 JM-DC100

  1. 아바타 Abigail Anderson

    Abigail Anderson

    Both my iPhone and iPad are compatible with this data cable, which has the same effect as the original cable. It is of high quality and affordable, and I have recommended it to my friends.

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