Triple Split Street Light Solar Lights for Yard Outdoor Body Sensor Light JM-OL020


割引 (%) 価格
1 - 24 $12.60
25 - 300 47.62 % $6.60
301+ 55.56 % $5.60
(1 カスタマーレビュー)

Triple Split Street Light Solar Lights for Yard Outdoor Body Sensor Light JM-OL020


カテゴリー: Solar Split Wall Light

連続点灯時間: 6-12 時間
保護等級: IP65
光源の種類: white light
スイッチの種類: リモコン
材料: 腹筋

定格出力: 48W
バッテリー: 1200 mAh
寿命: 12000 h
Link cable: 5 メートル

Using lamp beads: 112 LED
Solar panels: 2W 220MA
カートンサイズ: 57*33.5*58cm

Three working modes:

1. At night, people come and light up the light, and about 20S after people leave, the light goes out.
2. Darkness automatically light up the weak light to light up the strong light to light up the weak light to continue to light up the weak light about 20S after people go away.
3. Darkness automatically continue to light up the light in the light of people without induction.

Triple Split Solar Lights for Yard:

多結晶シリコンソーラーパネル, 高い変換率, 急速充電, 曇りの日でも充電可能.

高輝度タングステンフィラメントライトコア, 明るくて長持ちする光.

Intelligent sensing. Highlight when you come.


Triple Split Solar Lights for Yard

Triple Split Solar Lights for Yard

Triple Split Solar Lights for Yard

Triple Split Solar Lights for Yard

Triple Split Solar Lights for Yard

1 のレビュー Triple Split Street Light Solar Lights for Yard Outdoor Body Sensor Light JM-OL020

  1. Lilason Mitcaのアバター

    Lilason Mitca

    This 3-head split street light is excellent! The garden solar light is well-designed with strong and even brightness. The human body sensor function is sensitive, and the automatic switch is convenient and practical. Outdoor waterproof design is durable and easy to install, which improves the safety of the yard, recommendable!


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